Osaka-shi, Chuo-ku, Higashi Shinsaibashi 1-18-30
TEL 06-6121-8111

RESERVATIONcan be made here



What time can I check in/out?

Check-in starts at 3:00PM. You can check in at any time after that, but please inform us if you are are planning to arrive after midnight.
Check-out finishes at 11:00AM. It may be difficult to extend your stay with us due to availability, so please check with our staff during your stay.

Can you hold luggage for me before check-in and/or after check-out?

We can hold items only on your check-in and check-out day but we cannot keep dangerous or valuable belongings. We cannot keep items for longer than this due to limited storage space. We thank you for your understanding.

Do I have to go to the front desk to checkout?

Sorry for the inconvenience but please come to the front desk for check-out.